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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Evelyn Claire's Natural Birth Story

Our birth story of our first child, Evelyn Claire McShea is one that will always be so special to me, and I am writing this story out in detail for myself mostly- so I can always remember vividly how it all happened.  Some people don’t really care how they give birth, as long as “mom and baby are healthy,” and of course that was goal number one…but doing this as naturally as possible seemed like the best way for us both.  However, it was a long way to actually believing in my body and myself that I could do this. 

My Path to being Informed and Prepared for Birth:

My preparations for birth started around day 5 of finding out I was pregnant.  I remember thinking back then how the scariest part to me about it all was the birth itself- I was pretty confident that I could handle a newborn(now I am not so sure some nights).  I have 3 older sisters and a wonderful sister in law, 3 of which are mothers of multiple children themselves.  I took a ton of advice from them, and books and also a facebook  birth community in town became my constant go-to for evidence based answers and other people’s opinions.  It was a gradual process that I decided if at all possible, I would like to avoid all drugs- no IV, no inductions using Pitocin, no Epidural-  just me, my husband, and my wonderful Doula(labor coach) Heidi.  Even my sisters seemed wary of me putting such high hopes on a natural birth as a first timer, and I understood that there were odds against me since I didn’t know this type of pain.

My first decision to deliver at Vanderbilt with the Midwives there at a hospital 45 minutes away from my home also made people nervous for me, but I really felt strongly that this practice was crucial in having a great birth experience.  Next, I decided to hire my Doula Heidi, who also teaches private child birth classes in your home that are a Christ centered birth preparation classes called Alpha- it taught me all the scientific stuff in the perspective of how God is behind all of this amazing process.  Tom and I learned everything we needed from that class!  It included an entire workbook, a cd of relaxation tunes and verses, and a book called “The Lord’s Birth,” that really shed light on how amazing God created us and intended our bodies to work.  It was great to see science and faith working together, rather than against each other.  A couple verses I took away from the class and repeated in my head often during my pregnancy and birth were:
Phillipeans 1:6
“For he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion…”
2 Corinthians 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

My Unexpected Beginnings of a Great Birth
So here I was at 35 weeks, riding the waves of Jacksonville beach at a wedding thinking…  “We really have a lot to do to prepare for this baby coming next month”… so when my husband and I returned home and had the next weekend to ourselves…we decided to spend our Friday night at Starbucks making a long checklist over coffee about what needed to get done.  Yep, that is how we spent our last Friday night as a childless couple ;)  So Saturday morning we went at that list bright and early…and what did I decide to tackle?  The linen closet of all things.  I was determined to organize the hell out of that closet for some reason…(nesting signal)  Then we fell asleep at 6 pm that night and got a ton of sleep (foreshadowing what was to come the next evenings and really the rest of our parenting years when we would have no sleep).  That night of sleep was just pure awesomeness. The last sign (and most important to me not freaking out) was when we randomly decided to pack our hospital bags 2 hours before my water broke Sunday afternoon.  This was very crucial to me not panicking when the big moment came as I had LOTS of comfort measures to pack if I was determined to avoid pain meds. 

           So around 3 PM on June 3rd I was sitting on the couch with Tom, and all of a sudden I LEAPED up and ran to the bathroom telling myself that maybe I just peed myself since I heard incontinence was an issue late in pregnancy…but when the clear fluid just kept coming, my husband suggested that maybe my water was breaking.  I of course scoffed with all my birth knowledge, and said “yea that is only how it happens in the movies hun…”  But I felt a sense of urgency, and so I called my sister Erin first and asked what she thought…she nervously responded “Yea that sounds like your water breaking better call your midwife.”  So I quickly got a hold of Lauren Drees at Vandy, and she calmly confirmed that it sounded like premature ruptured membranes, and I was far enough along that they would want the baby to come now.   She then asked, “Do you know what you are having” and I said my standard response, “No, we’re not finding out” and she said “Well you will be finding out very soon…”  I was both panicked and excited by this thought and asked “ So let me just clarify…there is no way to go backwards from here…we can’t like refill the bags of water?”  She laughed and said no, you are going to have a baby soon!  Tom was hearing my end of this and heard a shudder in my voice. I was fighting back tears when I told her we would try to be to the hospital in the next hour. 

       At this point I was just wandering around the house in a daze- I got in the shower like she suggested and I just kept thinking this was not happening to me- everything had been so perfect and normal in my pregnancy- it was not supposed to end this way.  During my daze, Tom was somewhat calmly gathering everything else we needed to pack- which he did a phenomenal job of by the way. Everyone including my doula was thinking the dreaded words C-Section, but of course they did not tell me that and just encouraged me to stay calm and go with the flow.

The “Induction” Phase- about 12 hours

We had a pretty calm ride down to Vanderbilt; I was in no pain at this point. We were nervous since we had never even stepped foot in the hospital.   Lauren Drees was so comforting when I showed up to Triage and she talked to me about what to expect now that I was preterm with ruptured membranes.  She even spared me the painful exam to confirm it was amniotic fluid, she took one look and knew.  They also were a little concerned (but not overly) that there appeared to me light meconium showing in the fluid which can sometimes mean distress.  I really appreciated them not making a huge deal out of this like they sometimes do because me and the baby had great vitals.

         Lauren did check me to see where I was at as far as dilation etc, and I basically had no signs of being in labor.  I knew this meant drugs of some sort unfortunately, so she explained that they would start slow and try an oral treatment of Cytotec to help soften my cervix first.  I knew exactly what this was, but I still did not realize it was going to bring on contractions for so long.  They then sent us over to our labor and delivery room to set up shop for our lengthy time spent there.  Then was the first scary part for me, they would need to start an IV to administer penicillin every 4 hours since I was one day shy of getting my Step B test done.  Since I didn’t have these test results, they had to treat me as if I had the infection(even though we later confirmed I did not have it).  Also, they put me in their newest water tub room and then informed me that I could not use the tub for labor until 37 weeks- super bummer!  My IV did not go so well the first time, and the next nurse that came on board had to redo it- and this was actually a huge advantage because she moved it from the top of my wrist to the backside on my forearm.  If it weren’t for this, laboring would have been so much more painful since I was moving around and bearing down weight on my hands a lot.  My main nurse Susan- I will never forget her- she was very old school looking (probably 50+ in age) with cute squeaky nurse sneakers.  She ended up being a God send and was so supportive of my natural birth plan- monitoring the baby in any position I came up with.

        So the next phase of my labor was pretty uneventful in my memory except for a few lovely highlights.  Basically around 9 PM was when the Cytotec contractions started, and they were pretty strong in my opinion- sometimes I would have back to back ones, and most of the time they were 2 minutes apart.  I told my Doula that I thought the best time for her to come was when we were taking the next step after the cytotec wore off.  So I labored through the night with mostly walking the halls and Tom helping me through each one.   Then one of the hardest parts of the labor happened- my new midwife came on to her rotation with me and informed me that now they would need to insert what is called a Foley bulb into my closed cervix to manually dilate it some.  I knew what this was from class, and I liked that it was “natural” as in not a drug…but HOLY moly did it hurt.  They basically insert a tube and then pump it with a bulb of water, and then they tug on it every hour or so until it naturally falls out.  I was shaking uncontrollably for about 20 minutes when they put that thing into place and they almost thought they may have to remove it, but I finally calmed myself and from then on I was forced to remain in the bed because of the discomfort of it when walking.  I only got up to use the restroom.  I was so tired and hungry at this point, and I was just really looking forward to the sun coming up and it being a new day.

June 4th was a beautiful morning, and around 9am the Foley bulb finally came out.  I was encouraged and thought- hey maybe I am 5 cm dilated or something…when the midwife checked me and said I was only 3cm, I was crushed.  I was communicating with Heidi via texts now, and she suggested I try rubbing some of my Clary Sage essential oil on my feet and abdomen (an oil known for inducing labor).  So Tom did that for me, and I do believe it was part of what kept my contractions going when the Cytotec wore off.  I still never even let the term C-section cross my mind though.  Next, the most painful memory I have of birth happened, and something I would have never expected too! The tape they used to hold down the Foley tube on my leg had some sort of extreme epoxy strength type glue, and when Heidi arrived- I was in the bathroom crying in pain as Tom and the nurse were watching me basically rip a 3 inch patch of my inner thigh skin off to remove this darn tape!  It was a constant pain the rest of my stay there at Vandy- and my thighs were constantly sticking together from the residual glue that would NOT come off. 

        Around 11am, my midwife came back in to discuss the next steps since my labor had taken a break (which I was not complaining about since I had just endured 12 hours of contractions by now).  Since my water had broken already, the need for speed was a bit more pressing.  She suggested Pitocin of course, but she could see I was clearly not excited by that idea.  My main reasoning was that the contractions would be much stronger than natural ones, and with Evelyn being preemie she may not handle the medicine or the Epidural that usually follows receiving Pitocin.  So my midwife gave me one more option to try first and left it up to me to decide.  She suggested their “labor cocktail” which consisted of 4 tbs Castor Oil, 8 oz Champagne, 4 tbs Almond Butter.  Although I was discouraged and starting to want to give up and just move on with the drugs, my doula and Tom felt otherwise and convinced me to try the cocktail.  Thank God for their encouragement.

Active Labor Begins!
        So Tom went out to gather the supplies (which proved quite a challenge) and meanwhile my doula kept up the Clary Sage oil.  I also got time here to breath and take a shower and just get refocused.  Tom came back around 12 and popped open the bubbly… this was an interesting way to enjoy my first drink in a while..it was quite disgusting but I downed it.  Now I know some people are really against this intervention because sometimes it can cause some unpleasant side effects..but luckily for me it only caused some mild vomiting.  All I know is it WORKED!  Before I knew it, by about 2:30 pm I was having regular contractions that were increasing in strength.  My midwife was so happy, and so were we. 
        I was in active labor at this point, and the thought crossed my mind only a couple times… “maybe I should get the nitrous oxide or something to make it easier,”  but I really was just so in the zone … “laborland” as some books call it, that I was really too out of it to stop and ask. 
From 3pm-5pm I was moving around as much as possible…don’t think I sat down once.  I mostly leaned over on my tempurpedic pillow I brought and swayed back and forth as Heidi and Tom took turns rubbing my back and handing me cold wet towels. 
At 5:30 when my midwife came to check on me, she asked if I wanted to be checked.  I was so nervous that I hadn’t made real progress, but I also felt sure that I could feel something happening- so she went ahead and checked me.  I was 7 cm and 90% effaced at +1 station!  Such a huge progression! 

Transition Phase/ pushing
           This was when Tom recalls seeing a huge change in my attitude- even though I was coming into the hardest stage of labor.  My midwife took one look at me going through some intense contractions and said “she’s in transition”…and left me alone for another hour or so to get ready for the big event!  I kept looking at the clock and just finding myself mentally trying to pass the time.  I was so encouraged that I would be finding out boy or girl in just a matter of hours.  I also was feeling extremely empowered that I knew I would be having this baby without pain meds like I had wanted.

            The last hour was pretty intense, and Heidi really helped here to tell me specific positions that were going to get the baby in the optimal position because I still wasn’t ready to push.  Soon after, I started feeling that urge to push, and there was no controlling it.  I kneeled on my hands and knees on the bed for a while during this first stage of pushing.  Once the midwife came back in, she asked if I was ready to push this baby out.  Of course I said…yes!  It really was so surreal from here on out…seeing the nurse turn on the little baby warmer bed and thinking about how much my baby would weight, what she would look like.  I really never had any doubts about her being healthy.  From 9:15 until 10:05 I was actively pushing and then practically sleeping in between.  I was always most scared of this part of labor, but it really was not bad and I felt like the worst was over at this point- which was the marathon contractions.  I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and every painful feeling I felt just meant I was that much closer to it all ending and holding my baby.

           Tom watched the whole process, and I could really sense he was just amazed to be witnessing such an act of strength and this miracle unfolding in front of him.   He later told me he only got choked up during this one point when he heard me say quietly to him “I can do this, I feel so strong.” I don’t even remember that, but he said he saw me in a new light after this.  I remember asking with each push- “do you think it will be this push that does it??.”  At 10:05 pm, she finally emerged and I heard those blessed words I had been waiting for… “Kelley, Reach down and grab your baby.”   All the pain instantly went away like they say, and then Tom announced, “It’s a GIRL, it’s a girl!” We both were just so happy and in awe that I don’t think we even could cry- it was just really joyful and happy.  It really did feel like I just won first place in a double marathon event with the best prize ever afterwards.

Evelyn Claire, you don't quite know how much you are loved by mommy, daddy and so many others!

Here are some pictures from the journey and her first two months in this world.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby M's Gender Neutral Nursery- Sneak Peak

Yep, we are "those people" who have decided to be surprised by the gender of our little one.  One of the main oppositions people often have is the nursery..how could you deny yourself the nesting instinct to get it all ready!

Inspiration Board: (Created in Photoshop by me)
My main advice is not to let the crib bedding dictate your whole design.  I decided to just do a white crib bedding until later when I might add some boyish or girly details. Also don't panic about the name over the bed factor..that can be something fun to add when the baby comes.  I personally am loving the gender neutral look and my goal was to have pieces that I can use elsewhere down the line when baby M gets bigger.

How to put together a room to save yourself time and money:
1. Put together an inspiration board from internet images for the overall look, color scheme etc. 
2. Make a floor plan of your room so you can make sure things fit.
3. Make a sketch of how the room will look in 3D.
4. Make a list of how much all this will cost!
5. Spluge and Save! Bring along print outs of all of your inspiration boards etc and attempt to find either the exact item you wanted if it is important to you and in budget(splurges) AND also attempt to find substitutes for things that achieve the same effect for a lesser cost (saves).

The  Shopping List! (websites are hyperlinked...couldn't get this all to fit...)
1Zig Zag- Blue CurtainsUrban Outfitters
2Parklane 3-Drawer Changer - Two Tonesams club
3Pottery Barn Charleston RockerPottery Barn- mine
is craigslist $250. 
4CB2 Knitted Pouf ottomanCB2
5orange mod end table/stoolhome furniture
6Turquoise ClockUrban Outfitters
ours=given yay!
8Chevron Drum ShadeShades of Light
9Wall ArtDIY- Walmart project
10Picture Ledge 45"Ikea
11Paint- gray horse,gray mist,citrus orangeBenjamin Moore
12Prant Box Storage systemDIY+ Ikea
13Danish Alphabet PosterSpunky Sprout
Grand Total of this plan: $1,140.00. 
My initial sketch

BEFORE: How the nursery looked from the previous home owner...it was ok..just not the most functional use of the space.

Sorry, you will have to stay tuned int he coming weeks for the real images of how it all turned out!  But here is a little snip...

~ the damsel

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Musings on Music in Utero

It is pretty crazy how much you can love this little unborn boy or girl.  I woke up this morning just excited to plug in my new belly speakers for baby M to dance to.  I found this at a discount store here for $60 bucks, which is over half the regular price so I thought I would give it a try...so far it is a little glitchy but works well overall- now I just need to download some more baby appropriate music. I know that sound is very important to your growing baby starting as early as week 17, and lately I have been thinking how my lifestyle can be VERY quiet since I work from home all day.  So I splurged!  Here is a picture of the Ritmo Advanced Sound System..

Apparently this is a popular tool for military dads who can't be present during pregnancy for their wives, which I found interesting.  The site even offers a free recording system where you or anyone else can record things to play to the baby.  You can also hook it to your cell phone and talk into it that way.

Music has always been something I cared about, although I admit I am pretty mainstream...but even as a little girl in 5th grade I attempted to belt out Mariah Carey's "Always be my Baby" in a talent show...two years in a row..same song.  My mom convinced me that I could do it better solo after the first year's joint performance with my old friend Kristina, and I guess I believed her.  I never took home the prize, but I look back and wish I was that fearless these days. 

Anyways, this morning I played a shuffle mix and this song came on.  I was trying to sing along but all I could do was cry (tears of joy). I haven't heard it since I have been pregnant, but I used to always hear it on my ipod and day dream about what it would be like.  I am so eager to see my baby boy or girl open their eyes and know I am their mom, without a doubt...if by nothing else- recognizing the not so perfect singing voice of mine.

Not really sure why this date is part of the video...but it is strange since January 16th is my birthday- the last time my mom had me in her belly :)

"She's got a baby inside
And holds her belly tight
All through the night
Just so she knows
She's sleeping so
Safely to keep
Her growing

Oh when she'll open her eyes
There'll be no surprise
She'll grow to be
so beautifully
just like her mother
that's carrying

Oh Capri
She's beauty
Baby inside She's loving
Oh Capri
She's Beauty
there is an angle growing peacefully
Oh Capri
Sweet Baby

Things will be hard at times
But I've learned to try
just listening
Oh Capri
Sweet Baby
Oh Capri
She's Beauty
Baby inside she's loving
Oh Capri
you're beauty
Just like your mother
that's carrying"

That is all for now I suppose,

~the damsel

Monday, February 27, 2012

And When I'm Not Busy Gestating?

Or working my 9-5 job in design software sales....

I like to say that I am an interior designer...but just to be clear- i don't truly believe that, but it is the easiest way to describe what I went to school for and have passion about.  Many people don't realize that the interior design profession is just like any other professional career like an Architect or a Doctor or a Lawyer etc.  Although not every state enforces this strict definition that mandates certain things...and many people who are good at decorating and such are called interior designers on their business cards, there are real tests and certifications that have very little to do with pillows and paint colors.  See the NCIDQ exam if you are interested.

This way of summing things up that I saw on Facebook recently by my design friends says it pretty well

So without getting on a big soap box about interior design, I just wanted to write about this for those wondering what the heck you could possibly do in school for 4 years on the topic of Interior Design, and why it is slightly frustrating when people assume you spent that time learning the PERFECT way to arrange your living room (sometimes I wish I knew more about that).

Being a good decorator often is a natural talent in my opinion, but if you want to learn how to really design space, pull together a concept in your mind, while creating a set of plans that someone else can follow... that is what interior design school was worth to me.  I attended the University of Georgia's Lamar Dodd School of Art program.

In the past I worked 3 different real world jobs, and let me tell you it was very stressful with lots of pressure, longgg hours and plenty of liability since you are affecting the interior walls of a space and such.  Here is a shot of my senior thesis project which was theoretical of course, but I have worked on real world projects that were built as well.  For more of my work, check out my portfolio page at www.coroflot.com/kmyers.

Senior Thesis Project: My take on a Young Adult Library

First house that I got to design and see built in Athens, GA.  Located on Poplar St.

Nowadays, I just use what I know for my own home, and yes most of it does come down to "just decorating" mainly because that is all we can afford :). Trust me, I would love to blow some walls up in this place and redo our master bathroom!  And since my day job does not provide a lot of creativity, I like to get back to design projects whenever I can in my spare time.  Whether it is graphic design for a friend's wedding invitations, or CD Album, or just my own little one's happy haven of a nursery. I will be posting on that soon!

Interior design will always be a passion of mine I suspect, but right now just doesn't seem to be my season of life to practice professionally.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Whatever is Given is a Gift"

So how do we train ourselves to be grateful?

When life isn't always a honeymoon in Italy...

A long time ago, when Tom and I were at the infancy of our dating- he gave me the first material gift of our relationship, aside from little things like Gatorades delivered to my dorm room which he claimed was his way of flirting :).  It was the Oprah Winfrey 20th Anniversary DVD Collection.  No, this was not out of the blue that he thought to give me this...I had just noticed it one day at the bookstore and told him how I always loved watching Oprah, but I always missed it at 4pm everyday.

Well, that was about 5 years ago and I still bring the DVD set out and re-watch certain portions of it.  One segment called "Ah-HA moments" with the author of "Simple Abundance" the gratitude journal- really spoke to me as Tom was getting ready to leave for possibly 2 plus months.  She talked about the transformative power of writing down 5 things every night in a journal that you are grateful for.  They could be big or small, but you had to find 5 things.  There is real science behind this, as Deborah Norville talks about her biggest surprise in this topic:

"Biggest surprise? "That this science existed. So many self-help ideas are like meringue—you take a big bite, and there's nothing there. What I discovered was the 'there.' One study from the University of California, Davis, actually quantified what happens when people are grateful. They really are more optimistic, more apt to help others, more joyful, and genuinely healthier. Related studies have found they're more resilient, less stressed, and better strategic thinkers. All because they focus on what's right in life."

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/omagazine/Deborah-Norville-on-the-Power-of-Gratitude#ixzz1mYyVC1K5

Why is this important to me now?
I am on the path to the hardest thing I will ever do...being a mom, and also approaching the experience that can be terrifying to most women: birth.  These two things in particular, have made me become increasingly interested in the power of our minds, whether it is praying to God for me or meditation for a secular approach. I love that this excludes no one, but can change anyone.  I can already sense a better outlook on life just from this small change of focusing on the good everyday.  Tom is really one of the most optimistic people I have ever met, but the change has to come from within myself.

I admit some nights I fell asleep without writing, which is why my list is a bit shorter(and I also excluded quite a few that were too personal), But here is it:

  1. Great friends visiting
  2. thoughtful family members who sent cards for our birthdays
  3. sunny days
  4. free time to do whatever I please
  5. staying busy all day while Tom is away
  6. the delicious food at Silkes Bakery
  7. having money to shop for myself
  8. our group of caring friends who helped us move for 3 days!
  9. feeling so loved by many people
  10. my mother for giving birth to me (today was my birthday)
  11. sarah jo and meagan's company
  12. my new found spark to research and understand the history of Christianity
  13. my husband
  14. time alone from my husband to make me remember how great he is
  15. Tom's faith
  16. Tom's family
  17. my paycheck
  18. bubble baths with lavender
  19. sunsets
  20. me time
  21. hearing tom's voice and laugh
  22. my caring company i work for
  23. Joe A. giving me his spare Droid after I ran mine over
  24. a Saturday with nothing to do
  25. cooking for others
  26. always being able to fall asleep
  27. long showers
  28. tom's friendship with his fellow troop
  29. my mom helping me get a new car
  30. breakfast casserole
  31. finally having a microwave back
  32. all of my sisters
  33. talks with Tom
  34. Elizabeth keeping me company on gchat most days
  35. dinner at meagan's
  36. mom and dad driving up to Nashville to get my car
  37. long walks in my neighborhood
  38. my sister candace and her cloth diaper knowledge
  39. our baby
  40. Tom coming home healthy
  41. lunch at silkes with a new friend
  42. tom being so helpful with cleaning
  43. Publix- the service and unique food i can find now!
  44. having the time and energy to cook
  45. paydays
  46. hours spent at the bookstore with Tom on a slow Saturday together

I hope that I can continue to practice this and improve the way I treat life's "gifts."  What do you do to stay optimistic and grateful?

~the damsel

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pregnancy Fashion

Is this an oxymoron?  Is it wasteful to worry about such a thing when it is so temporary and the clothes are so overpriced?  Maybe not if you can find the right pieces at the right price.  As I have said before, I think feeling good on the inside and out makes for a healthy and productive outlook!  I am here to give you some of my tips on where to find things for a good price and gather your collection that will make nine months of a changing body not so bad.  I started wearing maternity pieces pretty early to make the transition a little easier and comfortable for me.

Top 5 inexpensive stores to find your maternity staples

1. Sears- They carry a line that is owned by the expensive Pea in the Pod...but this line is just as good and a fraction of the cost.  It is called Two Hearts Maternity.
2. Kohls- They have really great stuff, and the price is right when they have their sales.
3. Macy's- Shop their clearance sections for the best stuff
4. Consignment stores that carry maternity items are a great value if you have them nearby.
5. Zulily- a great designer site that tells you about big 60-75% off sales on maternity/baby stuff.

My Top 10 most important staples so far....

1. Black yoga pants which are by the Two Hearts Maternity line from Sears.  I have one in a slack material and one in comfy cotton.  They are great because although they don't have the full belly panel, sometimes my belly just wants a breather from those lycra belly bands.

2. Dark Wash Boot Cut Jeans - Mine are similar to these from Kohls and are a good price when on sale- around 30 bucks. Kohls Maternity Boot Cut Jeans

3. Jeggings or Skinny Jeans- I like these from Motherhood Maternity for about $40 bucks or less:

4. Layering Tees that are long- I bought one of these in white from Pea in the Pod and I have worn it almost everyday- it is SO soft

5. Striped Shirts- because they just look so cute on round bellys! Except this model doesn't appear to even be pregnant...I got this shirt as a gift from my dear friend Annie from Motherhood Maternity

6. Leggings- Found some great ones at Sears and also Macy's-  I prefer the ones with cotton belly bands vs. the Lycra especially for warmer months or working out in them.
These ones from Old Navy are great for working out or lounging and only $12 bucks!
Close behind that are these from JC Penneys for about $18.

7. Open Cardigans to layer over tees and give you some more coverage.  These don't have to be maternity but here is what I mean, from Gap Maternity

8. Simple "I feel Special Dress" for showers and date nights or a wedding- Although I don't love the price of this one, the quality and simplicity looks just right from Blossom.

9. Empire Waist Top- This is a splurge but just one I liked for the fun color from Pea in the Pod

10. Drop Waist Tunic like this one with your leggings of course

~the damsel

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weeks 15-18 in photos of the belly

15 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

The first 3 months:marriage, pregnancy, and buying our first home

Well it is not for everyone, but for those of you who know what you want and want it NOW... my blog is for you :)  Some call it impulsive and reckless at times- but that is what I meant by the Mess part of my title.  I don't believe that we are meant to be mentally prepared for everything life hands us.

My favorite room of our new house
We really never had any set plans for any for this all to happen so quickly- although I could tell it was what we both wanted when we slumped a little after getting the first negative test (false negative of course).  I feel very blessed we were trusted with all of this responsibility.  We never thought we would be able to have a nice wedding and go on a honeymoon, and then we did.  We never thought we would get pregnant easily (based on medical reasons) and then we did.  And I definitely never thought buying a house would come this fast for us, but again God has provided us with all of these gifts , and we are just doing are best to accept them with grace.

Our 1974 Cape Cod (I think)
It can be tough to remember that while people may roll their eyes when they hear a couple so soon into marriage taking all this on, I have to stop and smell the roses and just say "thank you" for all we have been given.  We are bonding so much as a couple over all of these things, and the newlywed bliss is still the same I have to believe. We are trying our best to not take any time alone together for granted during these nine months, but then again I think that is the beauty of most Army relationships...you never do.

Tom's Epic Bookshelves- his favorite part of the house!
So I would have to say, the first three months have been pretty enlightening- I am finding myself growing up finally ( not completely) and it is kinda nice.  I have SO much to learn at this point, trust me I know.  But maybe you can avoid some of my mistakes I have already made...I'll have to do a post on things to NOT do when home buying soon... I have a long list.

~the damsel