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Monday, March 10, 2014

Small beginnings, my first paid gig! You really CAN hire me you know

After my last closet blog, an Army wife acquaintance messaged me interested in my services available for help on her current rental home.  She just needed some paint ideas and ways to improve her kitchen that would be agreeable to a landlord. Obviously the changes needed to be diy, cheap, and removable. 

This is a common problem that plagues many Army wives, as renting or on post living is very common. 

I gladly accepted the small job- She sent me a few photos of her space and a Pinterest board ,of course, so I could get a sense of her style.  I provided a few hours of my time, the visualization above and a roadmap to explain how to achieve the look (exact paint names, approximate costs, tutorials on how to make your own pendant light). 

What do you think of this type of service?  I would love to do more work like this on the side, so please message me if you or a friend is interested! I can do most work over the internet, so location isn't usually a problem. 

Being a mom and wife is my first priority in this season of my life, but I must admit doing a little paid work was rewarding too :) 

If you want to see more of my work, my online portfolio can be found here:

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